Hi, my name is

I am a Mad. based french designer, currently designing ❄️ cool ❄️ experiences in freelance.



Complete creation of a brochure for Solar Screen International. I’ve been working with this company for 4 years.

Even if for many people print has no future, for me it has a certain charm. A smell, a touch, an unchanging memory. Since the world in which we live is constantly changing, we must keep these objects that remain, like checkpoints that take us back to times we thought were over.

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Print projects

I imagined this application as Pixie arrived home during the lockdown. Full tracking is a first step, similar to an app like Strava. The second step is then a possibility to book a walk with other users in order to socialise your dog as much as possible.


Mobile App

The aim of this application is to monitor the progress of a puppy from the moment it arrives at home.